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Portfolio Features

We provide a variety of different portfolios using different investment strategies and at a range of risk levels to ensure we have solutions to meet our clients' diverse needs. Different portfolios have different features that we may refer to from time to time. These are descriptions of the features we use to describe our portfolios:
Active Management
Active management involves portfolio managers actively buying and selling investments with the aim of outperforming the market. Some clients may prefer the potential for higher returns that active management can offer, although it often comes with higher fees and requires more oversight.
Passive Management
Passive management involves tracking a market index rather than actively selecting investments. It typically offers lower fees and can be easier to understand. Passive management may be more suitable for clients who prioritize lower costs and simplicity.
SRI (Socially Responsible Investing)
SRI incorporates ethical, social, and environmental criteria into investment decisions. SRI refers to a group of investment strategies more broadly, with specific strategies described in more detail.
Cleantech focuses on investments in technologies and companies that aim to reduce environmental impact or promote sustainability. It aligns with clients who prioritize environmentally friendly strategies or wish to support companies involved in clean energy solutions.
ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance)
ESG investing considers environmental, social, and governance factors alongside financial returns. It appeals to clients who want their investments to reflect their values and support companies with strong sustainability practices and ethical standards.
Impact investing aims to generate a measurable positive social or environmental impact alongside financial returns. It aligns with clients who seek tangible outcomes from their investments, such as addressing social issues or supporting community development.
Capital Preservation
This prioritizes keeping clients' money safe from losses. It's important to clients who prioritize protecting their principal and are willing to accept lower returns in exchange for reduced risk. 
Income-oriented investments focus on generating regular income streams, such as dividends or interest payments. It’s important to clients who prioritize cash flow from their investments, as some strategies may generate higher levels of income than others.
Growth-oriented investments aim for capital appreciation over the long term. It's important to clients who prioritize maximizing their investment returns and are willing to accept higher levels of risk in pursuit of capital growth, as some strategies may provide more potential for growth than others.
Private Assets
Private assets include investments not traded on public markets, such as private equity or real estate. This is important for clients seeking diversification for performance that isn’t correlated with public assets and potentially higher returns through exposure to alternative investments.
Public Assets
Public assets encompass investments traded on public markets, such as stocks and bonds. This is important for clients who value simplicity and just want access to traditional investment markets and liquidity.
Diversification involves spreading investments across different assets to reduce risk. All of the portfolios we offer have some degree of diversification, but it's a particularly important feature of our portfolios with the least concentration and most diversification across asset classes.
High Liquidity
High liquidity indicates investments can be easily and quickly converted into cash without a significant change in price. This is important for clients who may need access to their funds quickly or have a risk profile that can’t handle any losses.
Low Cost
Low-cost investments minimize expenses associated with managing a portfolio. This is important for clients seeking to minimize fees and expenses.
Low Volatility
Low volatility investments experience less price fluctuation over time. This is important for clients who have short-term time horizons or more conservative risk profiles.
Simplicity in portfolio construction refers to straightforward investment strategies that are easy to understand and implement. This is important for clients who prefer uncomplicated investment approaches.
Tax Efficiency
Tax-efficient investments aim to minimize the impact of taxes on investment returns. It’s important for clients with taxable accounts as some strategies may potentially reduce their tax liabilities and maximize after-tax returns.

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